Using DOIT |
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Using DOIT
The steps created earlier will allow you to now cut the next part will far more speed. Since the DOIT file is already created, you will not have to go through those steps again. Also the knowledge is still able to be imported, so the steps will be simpler to make tool paths and code from the next drawing.
Open the CabPanel2.dwg file in Autocad.
This is very similar to the CabPanel1.dwg file. In fact it is the other side panel of the same cabinet.
Start Router-CIM and load as Router.
The Steps to make tool paths and code for this part are as follows:
Click on Import by knowledge selection and at the window to select a knowledge file, select Sample2.knw.
Click on the Browse button next to the DOIT file and select Sample2.dat from the C:\Rcim_work folder.
Click on the cycle picture and change the cycle to DOIT.
When prompted to select objects, press ENTER and Router-CIM will cut all the shapes it has a layer to knowledge association for. 5. Select either Yes or No to the prompt to continue and make NC Code from the current drawing. If you select Yes, then you should select Options and change the JOBID and Material Thickness to suit your part.