Drill Motions Cycle

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The Drill Motions cycle is the standard drilling cycle in Router-CIM.  With Drill Motions, you can drill in one pass, or in several passes with pecking motions.


By default the tool will rapid to the safety plane above the hole, then feed in to the depth of the cut and then rapid out of the hole back up to the safety plane.  If you wish to peck drill the hole, you can set multiple depths per pass (peck increments) and the tool will rapid to the hole, feed down to the first depth, the rapid back to the safety plane, then rapid back down to .1 above the next material to be cut, then feed down to the next depth of cut, rapid up to the safety plane, etc. until it finishes the hole.


The drill motions cycle has very few parameters that can be changed as it is a fairly simple cycle.