Solid-CIM 3D Users Guide



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Use Side Detection

This option will detect contiguous edges that are tangent to each other and use them as a single edge for edge banding.

To enable 'Use Side Detection', go to AREC Settings or click here.

Complex Outside shapes developed by Solid-CIM may not agree with the selected face for edge banding or faces with spline edges that have been converted to arcs. Side Detection groups all tangent segments in the outside polyline into individual groups. These groups are then used to locate the associated edge band information. All segments in the groups will get the same edge band offset for the found edge band information.


Here is a simple part with a curved side. This part appears to have four edges ( sides ) in its definition. However, it is much more complex than it appears.

Here is the exported drawing with edge band definitions on the curved side and two of the straight sides using Side Detection.

However, a closer look shows that the entire Outside polyline was actually a closed spline. Note each box mark is the end of a polyline segment.
Each of these segments needed to be grouped into side definition to apply edge banding.

Side Detection should be used on all complex shapes. Simple rectangular shapes almost always have a one-to-one relationship between an edge definition in the solid and the segment definition in the outside polyline.

Side Detection not only applies to splines in the above example. The curve side could have been three arcs represented by three distinct edges in the solid.

Marking faces with the appropriate appearance/symbol (marker) on a face of a solid can be made easier with Side Detection. Only one of the faces in a contiguous and tangent series of faces needs a marker. If the curved side in this example was three arc faces on the solid then only one of the arc faces would need a marker. All the faces that are contiguous and tangent to the marked face would be included in the edge banding information.

If the “Display Edgeband Description in drawing as Text” is used with Side Detection then the text will appear at a location near the segment closest to the selected marked face of the solid. You can control this text location by selecting an appropriate face in the contiguous and tangent series of faces.

Note: A simple rectangle with a radius fillet on all four corners would result in all the segments being included into a single side. If different faces are marked with different edge band information then the “first” marker found would be applied to the entire Outside shape.

Tangency is defined as any angle deviation between two contiguous segments less the five degrees.