Router-CIM Automation Suite



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Creating a Label

Creating a custom label using the Router-CIM Label Designer is a simple process:


Open the Label Designer. The Label Designer is accessed through the 'Tools' drop down in Router-CIM Automation Suite.




Once the Router-CIM Label Designer opens, go to the upper left and select the 'File' menu and the option 'New':




This will open a separate window where you will define the width, height and type of label you want to create:


Note: When creating a new label for a Sheet Layout, make sure the width and height match EXACTLY to your Sheet Layout label size.




Each label type corresponds to the available fields accessible once the label has been created. The available fields for each label are located at the end of this section.


When the parameters have been defined, select the 'OK' button and the label will be created. This will bring you to the Label Designer:




The available fields for the label are located on the left side of the Label Designer. Expand each to show the available fields for that type of label:




To add a field to you label, simply select the field you want and then click in the label to place the field on the label:




To move the field, hold down on the cross hairs to drag the field to the desired location on the label:




Repeat the process to add all the label fields that you need to your label.


Once your fields have been added, you can use the alignment options by right clicking on a field or move the fields to the correct locations and follow the auto-alignment feature:




The label fields will display the information provided by Router-CIM Automation Suite. A text block can be added as a identifier by using the TextBlock field under Common Markers. This is also where you can add an image such as a company logo:




All fields can be sized to match the information you will be providing. To size a field, use the arrows to adjust length and width:




When a field is selected, on the right side of the Label Designer is the properties for that particular field. You can adjust items such as color, font size, font style, font family, text alignment and wrapping:




Under TextBlock, you can also insert an image such as a company logo. Under the properties for the image field, you will see the 'Source' option. This is where you define the file path for the location of the image. Make sure the sure the file path comes after file:/// as shown in the picture:


Note: This is NOT the image of the part in the part label. Refer to the Part Label Fields Available section below for information on placing a part preview picture on the labels.




Once you have all the fields, text blocks and/or images you need for the label, it is then time to save the label.


Go to the upper left of the Label Designer and select 'File'. The menu will drop down showing you the 'Save As' option.


Labels need to be saved in this location: C:\Router-CIM\LabelTemplates




Your label is now ready to be used in a Router-CIM Label Configuration.


Part Label Fields Available:

Part Name

Part Material

RCIM Part Number





Filler Quantity


Label Field 1

Label Field 2

Label Field 3

Label Field 4

Label Field 5

Label Field 6

Label Field 7

Label Field 8

Date and Time

Nest ID

Sheet ID

Nested Quantity

Job Name

Part Type (DWG, DXF or SCN)

Veneer Match Name

Veneer Match Location Point

Veneer Match Rotation

Nest Quantity

Material Attribute 1

Material Attribute 2

Material Attribute 3

Material Attribute 4

Material Attribute 5

Origin Shift X

Origin Shift Y

Origin Shift Z

Rotate Part (True or False)

Rotated Angle

Part Mirrored (True or False)

Cart Control Key

Nest Part Rotation


You can also add a part preview of the image to the label. In order to add a part preview use a Part label, insert the field from the left hand side called 'WMF'. Once added, you can move and size the image box to your desired look. Router-CIM Automation Suite will use this field to place a picture of the part that was processed:


Note: If you would like to have the part preview on the label, make sure that 'Place Preview on Labels' is selected under the 'Label Generation Settings'.




Job Label Fields Available:

Date and Time

Job Name

Router-CIM Version


Material Label Fields Available:

Date and Time

Job Name

Material Description

Material Code


Material Attribute 1

Material Attribute 2

Material Attribute 3

Material Attribute 4

Material Attribute 5


Scrap Label Fields Available:

Date and Time

Material Description

Material Code


X Dimension

Y Dimension



NC Code Label Fields Available:

Date and Time

NC Code File Name


Note: If you want the NC Code File Name to be produced as a Bar Code, when the field is added to your label, you must change the font to this. It is located under the properties section under 'Font Family':




Job Name

Number of Sheets to Run

Stock Size