Cutting Text in Router-CIM

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Cutting Text in Router-CIM


In Router-CIM, you can cut any of the SHX fonts available in AutoCAD.  Many of these font styles ship with AutoCAD and Router-CIM and more are possibly available elsewhere.


The basic idea behind cutting text is that you can use either the AutoCAD Text Style window to preview and select the font style you want to use, then using DTEXT (Single line text only, MTEXT will not work), you enter the text you want to cut and arrange it in AutoCAD.


Then, selecting the LE button in Router-CIM, you can manipulate the font in various ways (like edit, justify, change spacing, or curve the text) and then you can use that command to explode the text into lines and arcs and use Router-CIM to geoshape and cut the text on the screen.