Getting the Results

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Getting the Results


Once a job is selected and any parameters have been changed, it is time to run the job to allow Router-CIM to process the parts and make the NC Code for them.


To process a job, you will select the Run Job icon and then Router-CIM will open the parts, apply the toolpaths, and then nest all the parts on the selected material and make NC Code for each nested sheet.  When the job is finished, all the job data created from running the job will appear in a Results Folder so that you can keep the results from each job separated.


To begin, select the Run Job icon from the toolbar above the job window.




Router-CIM will then open an Autocad and start processing each part...there is nothing for you to do here but watch as Router-CIM places the tool paths on each part.


Once all the toolpaths are finished, you will see Router-CIM make nested sheets with all the parts in patient and let Router-CIM continue.  When it is done, the Autocad will close and the Router-CIM Automation Job Status window will be shown.




This window is really open the entire time the job is running, it is just behind the Autocad window.  When the Open Results Folder button becomes available, select it and the Results Folder will open with all the job files in it.




This folder contains each .OUT file (NC Code) and also quite a bit of other data.  There is a nest drawing (MPL50_.dwg) and also the Schedule file for a Fanuc control .  There are additionally several label files available for different kinds of label software.


Open the MPL50_.dwg file to look at the nested results.




This shows all the parts nested onto 3 sheets of material.  If you zoom in on one, you will see more information.




This shows some text on each part that is the part number as it appears in the job.  There is also some text above the sheet showing that the material code for this sheet is BPL50_ and the NC Code file is named BPL50_2.out.  That would be the code that gets sent to the machine.  There is also data showing that this is sheet #2 of Job 12_Boat_Parts.


You can close the Autocad, and there is no need to save any changes to the drawing.


There is much more data available from Router-CIM Automation Suite, and as you work with it some more, you will find other parameters that you might wish to change.


This completes Sample 3 and hopefully provides you with some idea of how to select and run a job in the Automation Suite.


In other sections of this document, you will see how to create new jobs, interact with parts and jobs and even create new databases containing jobs.