Solid-CIM 3D Users Guide



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Using the Tool Palette


Once the Tool Palette is available, it can be used to assign names to parts. At this point the SV command has been run to hide the part hatch and features and only show the solids. The use of the Tool Palette is a little different than normal Tool Palettes.


Follow this procedure exactly for correct results:

Select an item from the Tool Palette – do not drag and drop the item. Simply select it.

Move the mouse onto the display away from the palette – you will see an icon representing the part profile.

Select anywhere on the screen to release the part profile icon.

Select the solid to be assigned the part name – in the command line a display of the part name selected and the prompt to Select a Solid.


The solid has now been given the name of the selected item from the Tool Palette. You can run the PROPS command, select the solid and view the Name field for the name assigned to this solid.


When completed, type SV to toggle on the hatch and features and then type SCIM to assign the name to all the duplicates.