Solid-CIM 3D Users Guide



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Intersecting Pocket Bores


Pocket Bore features can intersect, but there are rules that need to be followed in order for Solid-CIM 3D to recognize those features as Pocket Bores.


The following rules need to be followed:


1. Intersecting Pocket Bores must not cross inside the circular feature


The picture to the left shows the Pocket Bores intersecting, and the picture to the Right shows the circular (Yellow) features crossing each other. Solid-CIM 3D would not recognize these features as Pocket Bores.


Intersecting PocketBores2                 Intersecting PocketBores1


2. Intersecting Pocket Bores must cross completely


Both Pictures below provide instances where this rule is not being followed. Solid-CIM 3D would not recognize these features as Pocket Bores.


Intersecting PocketBores3 Intersecting PocketBores4