Solid-CIM 3D Users Guide



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A Pocket Bore for Solid-CIM 3D is defined as the union of two features. The first feature is similar to a Slot definition from Solid-CIM 3D, where the diameter of the semi-circle is equal to the rectangle width. The second feature is a horizontal hole that intersects at the quadrant of the circle, where the center point of the circle is at half of the total depth.


There are 2 Pocket Bore drawing samples included with Solid-CIM 3D, PocketBore1.dwg and PocketBore2.dwg. These drawings can be found under C:/Router-CIM/Solid-CIM/Examples.


Here is an example of a Pocket Bore Type 1 (PocketBore1.dwg )




Here is an example of Pocket Bore Type 2 (PocketBore2.dwg)
