Router-CIM Automation Suite



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Job Settings


The Job Settings tab in a job contains the variables that affect various aspects of the job during the automation run. There are several sections to these settings.





General Options


Output DXF for laser

This option will create a DXF file of each nest or single part cut for a projection laser to use in order to show the layout of the parts on the table. If you do not have a projection laser, leave this option off.


Enable Shape Done

Enabling Shape Done will turn on Shape Done for the job. If parts have the option turned on to enable Shape Done, then a copy of the part will be stored with the knowledge drawing.



Enabling Accelerate/Decelerate will use any cutting knowledge that has the ACC/DEC option selected for machines that need the NC code to slow down and speed up the machine.


Sequence Sorting Options

You may select from any of the sorting options listed and that option will be used to sort all the parts in the job during Sequence.


Geometry Scale Factor

The value entered into this field will be used during the Router-CIM Automation Suite job run when the parts is loaded into AutoCAD. For instance, to scale a part drawn in inches to mm, you could use a value of 25.4.


Note: This field will only affect the part drawing itself, cut knowledges and materials will need to be configured for the resulting part size after the scale factor has been applied.


Part Multiplier

The Part Multiplier will multiply the part quantities by the selected value when a job is processed. To activate, check the box and use the up and down arrows to set the part multiplier.






Code Single Material Edge Allowance

Enabling Code Single Material Edge Allowance allows for a part that is set to 'Code as Single Part' to have the individual NC code file produced with the Material Edge Allowance that is set up in your Materials Database.


Start Point Override

Start Point Override will change the startpoints on geometry in Router-CIM Automation Suite during a job run, you can set it to “SP_” (or any 3 characters) and then rename your layers with that prefix.  Once that has been completed, you will need to change the DOIT file layer to knowledge associations in order to cut the layers properly. You can then run the job, Router-CIM Automation Suite will stop on the geometry on those layers and prompt you to pick a start point.


Small Part Options


Rename Outside Layers

If this option is active, parts will have the outside layer rename with a prefix of SML so that an alternate knowledge can be used on them. This is useful if you cut small parts and they tend to lose vacuum or move. Rename Outside Layers uses two variables. The first is 'Area Tolerance' which is based on the square units of the outside geometry. If the outside geometry is equal to or less then the value, it will be considered an SML part and the outside layer name will receive the prefix SML. The second variable checks for the long, narrow parts. A line is drawn at the 'Dimension Tolerance' in X and Y when the part is processed. If the part, as it is oriented, does not intersect the line, it will also be considered an SML part even if the area of the outside geometry is over the Area Tolerance.




For example, if a part is less then the area you have indicated and this part has an outside layer such as OUTSIDE_0.7500, this feature will rename that layer to SMLOUTSIDE_0.7500. This way in the DOIT file you can make knowledge associations to the layer SMLOUTSIDE_0.7500 so that the small parts are machined differently then larger parts. In this same example, if the part has an area of 150 but it is a 2x75 rectangle, it will also rename the outside layer to SMLOUTSIDE_0.7500 because of the dimension tolerance.


Enable Cutter Bridge

If this option is active any cutting knowledge that has a cutter bridge identified and is used, the cutter bridge amount will be added to the material's bridge width in order to give more material around the specified part.


For more information on setting a cutter bridge in a cut knowledge, refer to the 'Cutter Bridge' section under 'Tool Information'.


New Part Defaults


 Part Nesting Options

Nest and Code as Single Part

Checking this option will cause Router-CIM Automation Suite to nest each part in the job, and also make a separate NC program for each and every part on its own.  This is useful for situations where a part is later broken or lost, a piece of material can be placed on the machine at the home position and run just the program for the one part.


Nest Part

When enabled, this option will cause Router-CIM Automation Suite to place every part in the job into a nested sheet based on the material specified.  If more than one material exists for parts in a job, nests will be created for each sheet with the parts specified for that material.


Code as Single Part

Using this setting will cause Router-CIM Automation Suite to make a separate NC program for each part in a job.  No parts will be nested together.


NOTE: For more information about 'Code as Single Part', please visit the 'Part Properties' section.


Has an Associated Backside Macro

When using macros, it is sometimes possible to have a macro for operations on the front of the part and also for operations on the back of a part.  When this is true, enabling this option will allow one of the macros to be placed into a nest and the other side will be coded as a single part with a separate NC program. This option only works on macros, and the backside macro must have the same name as the front side but end in '-b'.  For instance Style11.scn has an associated backside macro named Style11-b.scn.


Is an Irregular Stock Shape

If you have an irregular shaped piece of material that you want to use as a sheet to nest parts on, you may include that drawing in the job as a part and then set this option for that particular part.  Router-CIM Automation Suite will not cut this shape, but will use it to nest parts in.

The geometry of the irregular stock sheet should be drawn on layer IR_STOCK.


Use ShapeDone

This option must be turned on in order for a part to be passed to the ShapeDone folder and stored.


NOTE: ShapeDone will become inactive when parts are set to 'Nest and Code as Single Part' or 'Code as Single Part'. For more information on ShapeDone, click here.


General Options

StartPoint on longest side of part

Using this option will ensure that when new parts are added to a job, the Startpoint on longest side of part box is checked by default.

Checking this box will force Router-CIM Automation Suite to move the startpoint to the longest side of the part, regardless of where the startpoint exists currently.


Default Quantity

This field allows you to set the default quantity that parts are set to when they are added to a new job.  When a new job is created, the number of parts that are set automatically will be set to this number.


Default Filler Quantity

This parameter is to set the default number of filler parts set for each new part in a job.  If there is enough space in the nest, then these parts will be placed in the nest to fill the space and boost sheet yield, up to the number set in this section.