Router-CIM Automation



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The Results Folder


After every job is run in Automation, there is a folder created with the same name as the job name.  This folder contains all the files created by the job as a result of the run in Automation.


The result folder will have your NC Code files, summary reports, nested drawings, AutoNEST parts and tasks, schedule files, etc. The root folder (with the job name) will contain the NC code files, and schedule file for the job and also the separate folders for the other data created by the job.


The items in the will vary depending on the selections made located in File/Settings under the 'Systems Folder' tab.


The location of the folder by default will be under C:/automation_code. The output location can be changed by changing the 'Data Output Folder' setting located at File/Settings under the 'Systems Folder' tab.

