Tool Number and Comment

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The top field is the Tool Number field, and indicates any tool or spindle numbers that are to be used for the current cut.

The bottom field is the Tool Comment field, and indicates any comment you want placed in the code at the start of the cut.



Tool Number

The main tool or spindle number, and any slave spindles to use for the current cut are entered into this space as strings (in quotation marks).

Enter the main spindle as the first tool number in quotes, enter each slave spindle in quotes following the main spindle, separate with a space.

Example1: Tool Num/Comment: "1" "3" uses Main spindle #1 and slaves spindle #3.


Example 1

Example 1



Example2: Tool Num/Comment: "1" uses Main spindle #1 and no slaves.


Example 2

Example 2



Your router may use a different numbering scheme, but the tool number will be entered in the same way and in the same place.  The correct tool numbers for your machine will be shown in the Application Notes for your post processor.



The tool comment parameter is simply a comment field that will generate a comment in the NC Code file prior to the tool change to the designated tool.

You can place any syntax in this field you like up to 80 characters.
Some machine tool controllers (like Fanuc) cannot represent lower case characters.  So you should use capital letters in this parameter.
The entire string placed in this parameter must be contained in quotation marks (" ").