Importing Knowledge

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Importing Knowledge


In order to process parts without any user intervention, Router-CIM needs to have knowledge's that it can use for each feature on a layer in the layer to knowledge association file (DOIT file) that will be used for these parts.


Start Router-CIM, loading as Router at the Config Wizard.


Once Router-CIM is loaded, then access the Control Panel.

_bm0        Control Panel Toolbar:        ControlPanelButton

_bm2        Command Line:        AS


From the Control Panel, you can Import a Knowledge file that contains all the knowledge's you will need in order to cut these parts.  From the Control Panel, select Import from the knowledge section on the Control Panel.




Once you select Import, you will get a window where you can select the knowledge file from.  Select Sample2.knw, then select OK.




The Command line will show the import was successful.


Importing Knowledge...

C:\RCIM_WORK\SAMPLE2.KNW Knowledge File Imported.


On the Control Panel, the imported knowledge will show up in the knowledge list.




Selecting the arrow on the knowledge list shows the knowledges which have been imported into the current drawing.


If you select the Panel knowledge from the list, the Control panel should change to look like this:




This is an outside cut, using the Heli-Outside cycle and tool #1.


Importing these knowledges into the current drawing will allow you to use them on the current part, and means that you will not have to take the time to select individual tools, cycles, and status data for each cut you make on the part.  Using knowledge will save you a significant amount of time in processing parts.


The next step is to associate the knowledges to the layers in the drawing so that Router-CIM can make the tool paths on the part for you.