Router-CIM Automation Suite



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.SYM File Format

All the pertinent information of the nested results are in a file with the filename extension of .SYM. Assuming that the task name is example, it will therefore be example.sym.


The .SYM file is intended to be the standard vehicle for communicating with any other applications.


From AutoNEST V9.5.3 onwards, the .SYM file format has been changed to V9 REV1. (previously it was “V9”). See below :-


The format is as follows:


1     #

2     # AutoNEST V9

3     # Sym File Name = EXAMPLE.sym (REV1)

4     # Layout from NESTPRO.EXE

5     #

6   # Process Time Taken

7     #

8     # Input: 0 min 0.98 sec

9     # Pair I: 0 min 0.79 sec

10    # Pair II: 0 min 0.06 sec

11    # Packing: 0 min 0.18 sec

12    # Total: 0 min 2.03 sec

13    #


15    No of Distinct Shapes = 8

16    Total No of Shapes = 8

17    Total No of Stock Sheet = 3 0

18    Encl Rect = (15.000000 15.000000) (8883.888560 3018.000000)

19    Stock Sheet = (3048.000000 9144.000000) x 2 99.00

20    Sum of Area of Shapes = 18935546.178672

21    (BW4 1399.477698 717.433929 0.000000 5 0 1)

22    (BW3 7386.392422 2313.960112 0.000000 4 0 1)

23    Encl Rect = (15.000000 15.000000) (8830.763448 3018.000000)

24    Stock Sheet = (3048.000000 9144.000000) x 1 99.00

25    Sum of Area of Shapes = 22917695.314072

26    (BW2 1099.802730 2029.470929 180.000000 3 0 1)

27    (BW1 8067.357744 1106.283027 180.000000 2 0 1)

28    Encl Rect = (15.000000 15.000000) (7744.557323 3018.000000)

29    Stock Sheet = (3048.000000 9144.000000) x 1 99.00

30    Sum of Area of Shapes = 16455773.523961

31   (BW9 2244.239528 2501.755357 180.000000 3 0 1)

32   (BW8 2146.288772 607.457250 0.000000 2 0 1)

33   (BW5 5603.085323 2510.045662 0.000000 6 0 1)

34   (BW7 5663.686544 537.954338 180.000000 1 0 1)


(Note: The above line numbers are strictly for referencing purposes, they do not appear in the file.)


Description of .SYM File Format


Line 1 to 13

Lines start with "#" character denote comments. There is no limit to the number of comment lines.

The 'AutoNEST V9’ must be in one of the comment lines. The ‘V9’ reference number is used to check the different formats of (.SYM) files for different software releases.


Line 14

Sym file name.

The key character here is the "=" equal sign. The words before it are purely descriptive but the name after the sign is important.


Line 15

Number of distinct parts.

The key character here is the "=" equal sign. The words before it are purely descriptive but the value after the sign is important.


Line 16

Total quantity of parts nested.

The key character here is the "=" equal sign. The words before it are purely descriptive but the value after the sign is important.


Line 17

Total number of distinct nested layouts.

The key character is the "=" equal sign. The words before it are purely descriptive but 2 values (separated by space) indicate the no. of distinct nested layouts for regular and irregular stocks respectively.


Line 18-22

The first nested layout information.


Line 18

Enclosing rectangle of the first nested layout.

The first pair of real numbers is the left-bottom point of the rectangle, the second pair is the length and width of the rectangle.


Line 19

Stock sheet size and the number of the repeated layout and Cost per stock.

Within brackets are the width and length of the stock.


The last number is the Cost per stock.


Line 20

Sum area of parts nested in the current layout.


Line 21-22

A list of nested parts. Each line has the following format:

(Part-name X Y Angle Color Hole_no Layer)


Part name - name of the part

(X, Y, Angle) - Position of the part, relative to the left bottom corner of the respective stock.



Color - indicate the color to be used on screen


Hole-no - indicate which hole the current part is being nested as the Part may have multiple holes (these are differentiated by the “Hole no.” in .VEC file


     ‘0’ means the part is NOT inside any other part’s hole.

     ‘>0’ means the part is inside a certain hole no. of the part



Layer - the meaning is different from the Drawing layers that most of us are familiar with. Here, it

means whether a part is nested in multiple levels of “Part-In-Part”. The diagram below illustrates

what it means to be called “Layer 1”, “Layer 2”, “Layer 3” and so on.



Line 23-34

The second and third nested layout information.


The part X/Y coordinates and the enclosing rectangle in the second layout are relative to the left

bottom corner of the 2nd stock.


Similarly, the part X/Y coordinates and enclosing rectangle in third layout are relative to the left

bottom corner of the 3rd stock and so on


IMPORTANT: Do not use 'Tab' characters when you are constructing this file with a text editor or word processor. Instead use ordinary spaces.


An Irregular stock will have the following .SYM file format :-


1     #

2     # AutoNEST V9

3     # Sym File Name = IRREG-1.sym

4     # Layout from NESTPRO.EXE

5     #

6     # Process Time Taken

7   #

8      # Input: 0 min 0.08 sec

9      # Pair I: 0 min 0.68 sec

10  # Pair II: 0 min 0.02 sec

11   # Packing: 0 min 1.98 sec

12    # Total: 0 min 2.76 sec

13    #

14   JOB = IRREG-1

15   No of Distinct Shapes = 5

16   Total No of Shapes = 87

17   Total No of Stock Sheet = 0 3

18   Encl Rect = (0.000000 0.000000) (3806.703954 3258.750718)

19   Stock Sheet = (3258.750718 3806.703954) x 1

20   Stock Area = 9234599.16 Sum of area of shapes = 5673622.50

21   (&i-stk 2685.912593 1921.541344 0.0 1)

22 (17-1 3445.292074 1876.218412 11.766537 2 0 1)

23   (17-1 2854.195540 2200.574867 -168.233463 2 0 1)

24   (17-1 2163.516778 1875.891255 11.766537 2 0 1)

25   (17-1 1572.420244 2200.247710 -168.233463 2 0 1)

26   (17-1 418.622195 2774.246774 -269.985376 2 0 1)

27   (17-1 2566.064366 443.120389 -179.985376 2 0 1)

28   (17-1 2398.265618 961.253189 -179.985376 2 0 1)

29   (PART3 2117.604589 1421.560227 0.014624 3 0 1)

30   (PART3 2324.528435 1260.959391 180.014624 3 0 1)

31 (PART3 3624.289236 376.923330 267.808871 3 0 1)

32 (PART3 1849.929902 1349.789402 270.014624 3 0 1)

33   (PART3 2851.255095 1352.473314 180.014624 3 0 1)

34   (PART4 154.152797 3096.646617 270.000000 4 0 1)

35   (W19 994.017396 2813.313029 180.014624 5 0 1)

36   (W19 928.893289 1829.261109 0.014624 5 0 1)


The difference between regular stock and irregular stock are as follows :-


Line 19

Overall dimension of the irregular stock and the number of repeated layout(s). (Within brackets are the overall width and length)


Line 20

Area of irregular stock and Sum of area of parts nested in the current layout.


Line 21

List ir-stock name and position. The format for this line is:

&ir-stock-name X Y Angle Color


‘&’ is a prefix to differentiate the irregular stock from the regular stock.

ir-stock-name is the .STK file name of the ir-stock.

X, Y, Angle - transformation of the ir-stock, relative to its enclosing

rectangle’s left bottom point (0, 0).


In this current version the Angle is always 0.0. and the Color always 1.