Using the PREDRILL Function
The PREDRILL function is a feature that will create a drill hole at the lead-in of any plunge type cycle. This also includes the ability to use this feature on 2D tabbing during the lead-in. This will relieve the stress on the tool during a plunge movement allowing for a cleaner entry into a cut.
To utilize the PREDRILL function, you would need to create a knowledge using Drill Motions. The diameter of the drill that is selected will be the diameter of the circle that is created by the PREDRILL function. Use your 'Rank' to have the PREDRILL function happen prior to the knowledge that you are using it for. The circle drawn by the PREDRILL function will be placed on a layer in AutoCAD named NC_PREDRILL. The circle drawn by the PREDRILL function will not include thickness so the knowledge will need to have 'Total Cut Depth' derive the depth from the material or a preset depth. Save the knowledge so that it is available to Router-CIM Automation Suite.
The last step in order to utilize PREDRILL is to assign the knowledge that you created to the layer NC_PREDRILL in the DOIT file. The knowledge association you create needs to be the last association in the DOIT file. For more information on how to assign a knowledge to a defined layer, go to the 'Edit DOIT File' section. You can use the 'Move Association' buttons in the DOIT file to make sure that the NC_PREDRILL association is located at the bottom of the list.