Router-CIM Automation Suite



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Once you feel comfortable with the basic workings of the system, you can begin to customize it to fit your specific needs.  Router-CIM has provided you with the tools to accomplish this, primarily through the use of the $pp file, the tasks function, and the Sequencer file.

You must be familiar with a text editor that is capable of a non-document mode, such as those mentioned at the beginning of this book, in order to proceed.  You should additionally have a complete backup of your system before modifying any of its files.  The author assumes no responsibility for any damage or lost time or materials resulting from your modification of a your post processing system.

A task is a series of statements to Router-CIM system which either gives a set of responses or allow for user input which produces AutoCAD text statements.

For instance, let's assume that there are several codes which come at the start of each one of your programs.



Since each one of these codes is accessed by a vocabulary word in the .$PP file, you could use AutoCAD text command to type in the seven words to produce these codes.  However, by fully utilizing the .$PP file and a Router-CIM task, we can reduce our work to a single operation.

In the .$PP file use Notepad or a text editor in non-document mode to make the following additions.



The ";C" means the code(s) will be produced on a line of its own.  "SC1" and "SC2" have been randomly chosen to stand for "Start Code 1" and "Start Code 2." Thus if the text "SC1" appears in a drawing it will cause G17G70G90 to appear in the code.

Next, create a new task.  Type in the following two lines:



Name the task "START".

When you run the task "START" it will automatically write the text "SC1" followed by "SC2".

This same technique can be used to access tool changes, drill cycles, end of program routines and any other codes or group of codes. For our purposes this might take the form of a parameter to indicate spindle speed or feedrate, or both.  We might create a situation like the following:


This "SPCLON" would turn on the spindle in a clock-wise direction, start the coolant and supply the spindle speed in the form of the "S" parameter which might be different for different jobs.  Therefore, we would want to put it in each time, but still within the task.


The command line would read:


We would add "1200" to produce a text statement "SPCLON,1200" which would eventually become "M21M08M03S1200" after processing through Router-CIM and the postprocessor.  If you needed to add a FEDRAT as well, you would add "1200F35" which would eventually become "M21M08M03S1200F35."