Router-CIM Automation Suite



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Macro Builder Introduction


What is the Parametric Macro Builder?

The Parametric Macro Builder (PMB) is a feature of Router-CIM to create geometry which can be inserted into AutoCAD or MDT. The main concept or idea behind how geometry is created with this feature is to generate part drawings while locking part features into a secure position. Everything drawn begins with an initial rectangle defined by XDIM, YDIM, and ZDIM dimensions. Once the initial rectangle is established, we can create geometry constrained inside of it.

Creating a Macro consists of defining variables and formulas that can be used as parameters in the construction of specific geometric shapes. Using these defined variables, forms are provided that define the parameters for different predefined geometric shapes. The Macro is a collection of these different geometries defined as a list of operations. Also, additional logic statements can be added or inserted between geometry operations that can control variable values which can affect the parameters of geometry operations.

So, a Macro can be viewed as a collection of geometry operations and a collection of logical operations that are sequenced in a list to provide geometry development based on different logical decisions. An example sequence in a Macro would be:

A List Variable names with formulas - Logical Operation
Panel - Geometric Operation
CutOut - Geometric Operation
A new List of Variables with formulas or redefining previous variables that will affect the following operations - Logical Operation
ToeKick - Geometric Operation
Drill - Geometric Operation

In the above Macro sequence variables are defined in the first operation which will be used when defining the Geometric Operations. In the middle of the sequence a new set of variables are defined in another Logical Operation. This operation may redefine existing variable values and/or define new variables that can be used in the following Geometric Operations.

Who uses the Parametric Macro Builder?

A Router-CIM user that has a full understanding of programming techniques that include:

Defining variable names that can be referenced in formulas and parameters
Defining formulas that can include logical statements and geometric functions
Developing sequences of operations in a logical order to utilize variable definitions and logical branches

In other words, a basic understanding of algebraic expressions and program flow. Not real high level stuff but a good basic understanding of logic, formula and formats.

What are the Parametric Macro Builder Features?

Provided is a full set of tools to aid in the development of a Macro. The general list is:

Operations Explorer - keeps a complete detailed list of operations and their primary definitions. Ease of selecting, browsing and altering the sequence using the Explorer.
Operations Editor - easy to read forms with predefined geometric operations. Provides simple access to variables with drag and drop along with clipboard cut, copy and paste.
Operations Viewer - Full color 3D rendering of the Macro real-time. Each added operation automatically appears in the Viewer. 3D Orbit, Panning, Zooming is available with Selection.
Available Variables Viewer - A pull-down window that is always available for easy access to variables that can be dragged and dropped onto forms.
Simple Stroke Interface - All features are supported by easy mouse buttons/wheel motions and key board strokes.
AutoCAD Drawing - Macro execution as a  AutoCAD drawing generation for technical viewing and analysis.
3D Solids - 3D Modeling of the Macro to view the geometric operations as they actually will be generated.
Macros Management - Complete Filing of Macros and Database management of Macros to include Open/Save/Import/Export.
Object Orientated - Take features and/or variables from one Macro and apply them to another Macro for fast development using previously defined information. No duplication of effort.

Many more are defined within this help document in the appropriate topics.