Router-CIM Automation Suite



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The Drill Operation consist a drill location specified by:

XStart - X location of drill hole
YStart - Y location of drill hole
ZStart - Z location of drill hole
Depth - Z depth of hole
Diameter - diameter size of the hole
Type - not used

The Drilling Parameter fields defines single Drill Operation. Multiple Drill Operations can be accomplished using the Array Parameters.

Rectangular Array Parameters



There are four array patterns available:



Multiple Rows and Columns array
One Row horizontal array
One Column Vertical array
Single diagonal line array




Multiple Rows and Columns Array Parameters






XStart and YStart = 3, Num of Holes = 9, X and Y Spacing = 2, Rows and Columns = 3 defines a 9 hole rectangular array starting at 3,3 with 3 rows and 3 columns spaced 2 units between centers in X and Y.

XStart and YStart = 3, X Stop and Y Stop = 7, X Spacing and Y Spacing = 2 defines a 9 hole rectangular array starting at 3,3 and stopping at 7,7 at 2 units between centers in X and Y.

Note: All parameters not being used to define an array must be blank.

Single Row Array Parameters






XStart and YStart = 3, Num of Holes = 3, X Spacing = 2 defines a one row array starting at 3,3 and stopping at 7,3 with a 2 unit spacing between centers.

XStart and YStart = 3, X Stop = 7 and X Spacing = 2 defines a one row array starting at 3,3 and stopping at 7,3 with a 2 unit spacing between centers.

Note: All parameters not being used to define an array must be blank.

Single Column Array Parameters






XStart and YStart = 3, Num of Holes = 3, Y Spacing = 2 defines a one row array starting at 3,3 and stopping at 3,7 with a 2 unit spacing between centers.

XStart and YStart = 3, Y Stop = 7 and y Spacing = 2 defines a one row array starting at 3,3 and stopping at 3,7 with a 2 unit spacing between centers.

Note: All parameters not being used to define an array must be blank.

Single Diagonal Line Array




XStart and YStart = 3, Num of Holes = 3, X and Y Spacing = 2 defines a single diagonal line array starting at 3,3 and stopping at 7,7 with a 2 unit spacing between centers.

Note: All parameters not being used to define an array must be blank.

Circular Array Parameters



All parameters must be specified for a Circular Array:

Num of Holes - number of holes in the array
X Center - X center of the circular array
Y Center - Y center of the circular array
Fill Angle - total angle sweep in degrees
Rotate Objs - rotates the each hole at the angle it is at in the array.




X Start and Y Start = 3, X Center and Y Center = 5, Fill Angle = 360, Num of Holes = 8 defines a circular array that starts at 3,3 with a center at 5,5 and with 8 holes that span a total of 360 degrees. Each hole is 360 / 8 = 45 degrees apart from each hole center. Each hole is not rotated in the array.

Validation Process

Each combination described above is validated for the correct number and types of parameters defined. The parameters must meet one of the above combinations to be accepted.

Sides, Corners, and UCS Override

Reference the Sides, Corners and UCS for details.

Condition and Record Data

Reference the Editor Interface for details.