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Import Rectangle Part




Important :

Please note that this particular command requires a copy Microsoft Office/ Excel 2000 or higher installed in your computer – in order to run. Otherwise an error message will be displayed.


ImportRectPart is a function that allows the user to import their data of rectangles in text or MS Excel format files (.TXT, .XLS or any text format files) into AutoNEST’s Parts (.VEC files) and Task (.JOB).


If the user requires the rectangles to be displayed in the nested layouts as DXF files instead of VEC files, use the ConvertPart command to convert the .VEC files to .DXF files.


Select the ImportRectPart command icon from the icon menu or from the AutoNEST pulldown menu.


The following dialog box will appear:




Each dialog box input option is described in the following:


Parts Directory

Display the default part directory as set in the Sysdata. In this case, it is also the target directory where all imported rectangular parts will be saved.

Task Directory

Display the default task directory as set in the Sysdata. By default the task created by the ImportRectPart will be saved in this directory.

Task Name

You can enter up to max. 31 characters (space and dot characters are not accepted) for the task name.

Enter a new task name or select an existing task. For more information about Task, see Chapter 4.5 TaskEdit.

Source Files

Click the Nesting_Browse button to point to the directory that contains your data file(s).

You can select more than one files (but make sure that the files are of the same format)

To un-select the files, highlight the file(s) on the list box and click the  “Remove” button.

Format File Name

You can select from the drop-down list if an Import Format filename has been saved previously.

Define File Format

This button will enable you to define the Import file format for your data file(s). A pop-up window will be displayed.



Format File Name

Displays the selected Format filename if one has been selected.

Source File Definition


File Format Type

Select from the drop-down list one of the three file types:

Fixed Field

Delimiter   - A Delimited file is where each field is separated by a special character.  For example, comma-delimited (.csv) file where “comma” is the character that separates the different fields.

See the following example:










Excel  -  Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

Fixed Field  - Text format where the data is arranged in well-

defined “columns”. Example :-

  P7B-19    600     1200    7  

  P7B-20    900     950     1    

  P7B-22    1100    1400    2  

  P7B-34    1470    885     1  

  P7B-36    1360    1200    1  

  P7P2-1    750     900     10  

  P7X-1     1620    850     1

Start Row

The first starting row number of the rectangular parts. Only numeric inputs accepted.

Delimiter Character

Only applicable if you have chosen the  “Delimiter” format. For example, if the delimiter is a comma, enter “,” without the quotes.

Remarks Character

The special character(s) that denote “remarks”. Obviously rows with these remarks will be ignored during ImportRectPart.


You can choose either “Metric” or “Imperial”.

End Row

The last or end row number of the rectangular parts. Only numeric inputs accepted.

Field Name

The essential field names required by the command. Some are mandatory, while others are optional.

Part Name         (mandatory)
X-Dimension             “
Y-Dimension             “
Quantity                   “
Filler Quantity   (optional)
Orientation               “
Priority                     “

Field Column

For each field name, indicate the corresponding Column Number as in the data source file(s).

Where the `File Format Type’ is “Excel”, you can enter the column number / alphabet.


Where the `File Format Type’ is “Fixed Field” or  “Delimiter”,  you should enter the column / field number. Please see the following “Fixed Field” example :-

     Col.1               Col.2           Col.3          Col.4

  P7B-19                 600            1200             7  

  P7B-20                 900             950              1    

  P7B-22                1100           1400             2  

  P7B-34                1470            885              1  

  P7B-36                1360           1200             1  

  P7P2-1                 750             900             10  

  P7X-1                  1620            850              1


This button will clear all inputs in the dialog box, enabling you to re-enter from scratch.




You will see the above “Save Format” pop-up window to enable you to save the File Format definitions into a file for future use.


In the event that you encountered Error Messages during the ImportRectPart process, take note of the following :-


1.Rows numbers indicated in the error messages
2.The specific data on the erroneous rows.
3.The corresponding “Field Name” and “Field Column” specifications in the “Define File Format”.
4.Double-check the above-mentioned inter-related information and make the necessary changes.
5.Try again.