Router-CIM Automation Suite



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File & Database Menus


File Management


A Macro can be saved to disk as a file. The extension name given to a Macro file is scn. For example, the Macro Style17 would be saved to disk as STYLE17.SCN.

All file dialogs are your standard Windows Open and Save file dialogs. When you determine the directory to store a Macro that directory is added to the Macro Builder directory list and will be the directory of choice each time you use any of the File utilities.

Open, Save and Save As menu selections retrieve and store Macro files to disk.

Exit closes the Macro Builder dialog. The Macro Builder is still available in the state as you left it. You can leave the Macro Builder at anytime and return will no changes to the Macro information or edits. If you are in the middle of an edit, an Edit Pending warning is displayed and the Exit request is cancelled.


New creates a New Macro in the Macro Builder replacing its definition with the current Macro. The current Macro is discarded. If edits have been made to the current Macro a message asking "Discard Current Edits" is displayed.


Yes - discards all changes to the current Macro. A new Macro is created.

No - prevents the new macro from being made and leaves the current Macro in the Macro Builder.

A new Macro consists of available Global Variables, one Panel 10x10x1 and one default Local Variable.



Database Management


The Macro Builder has its own database. This is useful to store a Macro in progress and a good place to keep Macros that you may use as reference when building new Macros. Also, you can have multiple databases and switch between them. You could place Macros that define just cabinet shelves in one database and cabinet drawers in another.

The Macro Builder is always attached to one database at all times.

Open, Save and Save As menu selections retrieve and store Macros to the current attached database.

Database Utilities


The database utilities provides all the tools to manage the database content. The Database Utilities pane is positioned over the Editor pane with the Viewer available to the right of the pane. When selecting a macro, a view of the Macro can appear in the Viewer pane.


There are two types of selection.

Single or Multiple (Shift/Ctrl Key) selection will highlight the selection that will be used by the utility options Delete and Export. The Viewer will not show the selected Macro.
Double Click selection will select one Macro in the list and will render in the Viewer pane. This provides for viewing the selected Macro in the database.

Walk Through Selection: Once you have Selected one Macro and it is highlighted, you can walk through each Macro in the list using the Scroll & Select option available with the mouse wheel. To set the Scroll & Select Option press the mouse wheel in a one click fashion. This toggles the Scroll & Select versus the Scroll Only modes. In Scroll & Select mode, move the mouse wheel to move through the list. Each move will select the next Macro and the Viewer will render the selected Macro.


Delete - deletes the selected Macros from the database.
Export - copies the selected Macros to their individual scn files using the name of the Macros as the file names.
Import - provides a file dialog to multiple select scn files that will be imported into the database. The Macro names will be the file names of the scn files selected.
Exit - exits the Database Utilities.

Database Maintenance


Macro databases can be created and attached. You can create a database and import Macro files of a particular type into the database. You can do this for different type of Macros. Then you can attach to a particular database to view and edit those Macros.

Create - provides a Save file dialog in which you will select a directory and database name. When accepted, the database is created, the Macro Builder is attached to the new database and a new Macro is displayed.
Attach - provides a Open file dialog in which you will select the directory and named database file to Open. When accepted, the database is attached to the Macro Builder and the last viewed Macro in that database is displayed.