Router-CIM Automation Suite



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Explorer Menu Options


Adding New Operations to Macro


In the Explorer pane is a New menu that provides a list of all the available operations that can be added to a Macro sequence. Reference each operation's definition in this Help document for the individual operation description.

By selecting the New menu and then selecting the required operation, a default operation definition of the type selected is added to the end of the Macro sequence.


Default Profile - generates a single line that starts a 0,0 and ends at 1,1.
Selected Polyline - this option is available if a polyline has already been selected in AutoCAD. To perform the selection: 1) Exit the Macro Builder, 2) Select a polyline by Double-Clicking on the polyline, 3) Run Mac again and this option will be available.

Editing the Macro Sequence of Operations


The Edit menu provides for several different methods to edit the Macro sequence. These methods are available or not available depending where in the Macro sequence the edit is being made. When an Edit method is not correct for the operation selected, the method will be "grayed out" and not selectable.

These Edit methods are not to be confused with the Windows Clipboard functions. The changing of a Macro sequence is controlled by the Macro Builder using its own internal functions. Even though the methods are similar to Clipboard functions these Edit methods are not Clipboard functions. You can not Copy operations and paste them into another application.

These Edit methods provide for the movement of operations within a Macro sequence and the ability to Copy/Insert operations from one Macro to another Macro.

All Edit methods support multiple selection of operations. Multiple selection is performed by hold the Shift or Ctrl key while selecting multiple operations.

Editing Methods

Copy - will make a copy of the selected operations and store those operations in a temporary buffer to be inserted back into the same Macro or another Macro.
Insert - if the temporary buffer contains operations that have been copied or removed, this will insert the collected operations at the ( before ) current selected operation.
Remove - will place the selected operations into a temporary buffer and remove the selected operations from the Macro. These operations can be insert back into the same Macro or another Macro.
Delete - will delete the selected operations from the Macro permanently. A Yes/No question will be asked to validate that you want to delete. No Undo is available.

Move selected operations is available by using the Remove method and then using the Insert method at the desired location..

Importing particular operations of a stored Macro - Open a Macro from File or Database, Delete those operations you do not want, Save the edited Macro to File or Database using a new Macro name.