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Bridge Part (Staydown)




BridgePart enables you to select any number of parts or closed profiles from an AutoNEST layout OR a manually nested drawing and bridge them automatically. It does not matter whether the parts are from AutoNEST or not. What is more important is that those selected parts must be either a closed polyline or circle.


This command is helpful if you wish to bridge only selected parts (for example, after editing) rather than to bridge all the parts in all the layouts. In that case, Auto-bridge (see TaskEdit) will be able to do very nicely.


The following prompts will appear at the command prompt when you click BridgePart from the AutoNEST pulldown or icon menu.


Bridge Part :

Import BRIDGE values from Task file? (Y/N) <N>:


Bridge Width <10.0> :

Min. Corner Offset <20.0> :

Min. Angle <45.0> :

Max. No. of Bridges per Part <5> :


Select adjacent Parts (at least 2):

Please ensure all selected parts are NOT touching or intersecting one another.


Select objects:

To continue ? (Y/N) <N>:


Import BRIDGE values from Task file? (Y/N) <N>:

If you know the AutoNEST TASK name of the nested parts, enter “Y”. Otherwise, press <Enter> to assume the default value which is “No”.


If “Y” is entered, you will be asked the Task name.


Task Name (? for list):

Enter “?” to browse or type-in the Task name. Next, all the BRIDGE specifications as defined in the TASK will be displayed.


If “N” is entered, then you will be asked …


Bridge Width <10.0> :

Min. Corner Offset <20.0> :

Min. Angle <45.0> :

Max. No. of Bridges per Part <5> :




Select adjacent Parts (at least 2) :

Please ensure all selected parts are NOT touching or intersecting one another.


Pick the Parts (at least 2) or closed profiles to be bridged using any of the available AutoCAD’s Entity Select modes.



The part profile MUST be a closed profile or circle. Both the external and internal profiles must consist of a continuous polyline or circle. BLOCK (.dwg) will not be accepted.


BridgePart will proceed to bridge the selected parts or profiles. If the results of the auto-bridging is not to your satisfaction, you can redo by removing it and repeating the process. But change the Bridge Specifications the second time round.


To continue ? (Y/N) <N> :

This will enable you to select another group of parts or closed profiles to be bridged.


Press <Enter> to terminate.

