Router-CIM Automation Suite



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AutoNest Manual


For information on how to set up basic 'Nesting' and 'Advanced Nesting' in Router-CIM Automation Suite, select the appropriate topic.


AutoNEST is addressed to the common problem faced in a number of industries where repetitive or non-repetitive parts have to be cut economically from given stock sheets. This optimization requirement is often encountered in industries such as shipbuilding, aerospace, sheet metal, garment manufacture, furniture work, etc.


While each different industry may have its own characteristics, the underlying objective of the manufacturer is to maximize utilization and minimize material wastage through judicious layout of parts.


A part’s geometry is input in a simple TEXT .VEC file format or in the AutoCAD DXF format.


Through a Task editor (TaskEdit command), you can define your nesting requirements, i.e.: stock sizes, quantity of each stock size, parts to be nested , quantity and grain orientation of each part, cutting gap and so on. Taking into consideration these parameters, AutoNEST will search through the numerous possible arrangements and present near-optimum layout solutions.


AutoNEST assists the fabricator in maximizing material utilization and reduce drastically the time taken to plan a layout.


The program has been highly optimized to provide the shortest run time, a fraction of the time of what it would have taken manually.


AutoNEST features a single intelligent nesting engine - NestPRO to handle all your nesting jobs.


AutoNEST allows the incorporation of an "intuition" factor from the experienced designer so as to take into consideration the practical features only known by the designer. Nested layouts can readily be edited through AutoCAD or any CAD system for the best final layouts.


From Version 9.5.1 onwards, AutoNEST has incorporated an additional functionality called Auto-Bridge into the software.


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RADAN SYSTEMS PTE LTD reserves the right to revise and improve its products as it sees fit. This manual describes the state of this product at the time of publication, and may not reflect the product at all times in the future.



AutoNEST is a registered trademark of Radan Systems Pte Ltd.

NESTPRO is a registered trademark of Radan Systems Pte Ltd.

AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk Inc.

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