Router-CIM Automation Suite



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VEC Format


Each .VEC is a TEXT file containing the x and y co-ordinates of vertices of part profiles arranged in clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. If some segments of the profiles are arcs, bulge values will be attached to the starting vertices of arcs, or if the profile is a circle, center point and radius of the circle will be recorded. External profile of a part is stored in One example .VEC file will be described as follows:-


1     #


3     # Shape Name = test1.vec

4   # First Line = InsertionPoint(x, y), ShapeArea, ShapePerimeter, ShapeRectLength,

5   # ShapeRectWidth, MinRectLength, MinRectWidth, DegreeOfMinRect

6     @ Vec not Compressed

7     9.346454 7.998023 51.850286 48.609869 9.997714 8.402318 10.014353 8.221825 -5.107422

8   9.62808011.478481

9     15.2957988.841770

10    14.6621403.673817

11   7.9735293.076163

12    5.2980848.208960

13    9.62808011.478481

14   @ Hole 1

15    12.7963707.857398 A 0.388339

16    10.7545837.189432

17    11.2826315.958967 A -0.624107

18    13.2540116.099591

19    12.7963707.857398

20    @ Hole 2

21    9.8040969.580049 C 0.868615

22   @ Hole 3

23    8.7832037.154275

24   8.9944224.798814

25    7.6567006.345684

26    8.7832037.154275

27   @ Leadin 1

28    4.838997 8.555070

29    4.982175 8.555070 A -0.280570

30    5.211919 8.398732

31    5.298084 8.208960

32   5.146448 8.096893 A -0.148813

33    4.951585 8.027744

34    4.817346 8.027744

35    @ Leadin 2

36    7.656700 6.345684

37    7.901215 6.345684

38    @ Leadin 3

39    10.754383 7.1857398

40    13.234154 7.1857398


(Note: The above line numbers are strictly for referencing purposes, they do not appear in the file.)


Description of .VEC File Format


Line 1 to 5

Lines start with "#" character denote comments. There is no limit to the number of comment lines.

The 'AutoNEST V9 English', must be in one of the comment lines. The ‘V9’ reference number is used to check the different formats of (.VEC) files of different software releases. ‘English’ indicates what language version of current AutoNest you are using.


Line 6

'@ Vec not Compressed' is a file header identifier to indicate this vec part file has not been compressed. It will be followed by a section of an external profile of a part.


Line 7

9.346454   7.998023   51.850286   48.609869   9.997714   8.402318   10.014353   8.221825        -5.107422

First two values are always assumed to be the part’s Insertion Point.

The X and Y co-ordinates in real numbers. No restrictions on the length of field.

3rd value is the Part Area.

4th value is the Part Perimeter.

5th & 6th values are the Length & Width of the “Enclosing rectangle” of the part in real numbers.

7th & 8th values are the Length & Width of the “Minimum Enclosing Rectangle” of the part.

9th value is the angle of rotation in order to obtain the “Minimum Enclosing Rectangle”.


Line 8-13

X and Y co-ordinates of each vertex of the external profile.

X and Y co-ordinates in real numbers.

No restrictions on the length of field.


Line 14

'@ Hole 1' is file header identifier to indicate the starting of an internal hole profile section of this part

1’ is the hole number of a part.


Line 15-19

‘A’ is an arc indicator.

12.796370      7.857398       A       0.388339


The first two real numbers are X- and Y- coordinates of starting point of an arc, the last real number is the bulge value of the arc. The ending point of the arc will be the first two real numbers at the following line. If the following line is starting with ‘@’, the ending point will lie in the first line of this section.

This section means the first hole is a polygon with two arcs.


Line 20

@ Hole 2” indicates the starting of second hole profile section of this part. This hole number is 2.


Line 21

C’ indicates circle.

9.804096      9.580049       C       0.868615


The first two real numbers are X- and Y- coordinates of center point of the circle.

The last real number is radius of the circle. That means the second hole is a circle.


Line 22

‘@ Hole 3” indicates the starting of third hole profile section of this part. This hole number is 3.


Line 23-26

A list of X- and Y- coordinates of each vertex of a polygon.


Line 27

@Leadin 1” indicates the starting of one leadin / leadout section of part profile (in this example, it is for external profile).


Line 28-34

A list of X- and Y- coordinates representing the leadin / leadout lines or arcs. ‘A’ indicates Arc - same as the foregoing.


Line 35-37

Other leadin / leadout for part inner profiles.


Notes on overall geometry of Part


Each profile of geometry must be closed.
No stray or additional lines on the part profile(s).
No crossing over on each profile itself or between profiles.
Not more that 1500 vertices per profile, which includes the starting and ending vertices of arcs.

