Router-CIM Automation



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Common Variables in Router-CIM Automation Suite


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Part Inside of Part (PIP) Nesting with Automation

In order for Automation to cut part inside of part (PIP) using a layer other than "PROFILE_PIP", you need to create 4 new variables in the system.


*PIPLAYER*- This is the layer name you want to use for parts to nest inside.  For instance with Solid-CIM this would be “CUTOUT*”.  This name MUST be in ALL CAPS.


*PIPAREA* - This is the minimum area the geometry must be in order for nest to place parts on it.  So, all cutouts that have at least this much are will be considered for PIP nesting.


*PIPXMIN* - The minimum size in X for a part to be considered for PIP nesting.  For instance if a cutout is bigger than *PIPAREA* but it is only 3” long by 40” tall then if *PIPXMIN* is set to 5.00 then this cutout will not get parts nested inside of it because it is not at least *PIPXMIN* in the X dimension.


*PIPYMIN* - The minimum size in Y for a part to be considered for PIP nesting.  For instance if a cutout is bigger than *PIPAREA* but it is only 3” wide by 60” long then if *PIPYMIN* is set to 5.00 then this cutout will not get parts nested inside of it because it is not at least *PIPYMIN* in the Y dimension.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Staydown Tool Path Modification

The Staydown geometry created by Router-CIM has the rounded corner function in use by default. In order to change this function, you need to add the *forcesquare* variable to the system.


*forcesquare* - Options

 Set to ‘T’ – If you do not want the rounded corner feature

 Set to ‘nil’– Staydown will use rounded corners


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Using Staydown with Cutter Compensation set to YES

You can add the variable *bridge_override* in order to have the Staydown function not offset the tool path by the radius of the tool used.


 Set to 0.0 - This will mean that the Staydown tool path will be offset by 0.0 instead of offsetting by the tool radius in the STAYDOWN knowledge.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Changing Startpoints in Automation

To change the startpoints on geometry in Automation, you can add the variable *SPOVERRIDE* and set it to “SP_” (or any 3 characters) and then rename your layers with that prefix.  Once that has been completed, you will need to change the DOIT file layer to knowledge associations in order to cut the layers properly. You can then run the job, Router-CIM Automation Suite will stop on the geometry on those layers and prompt you to pick a start point.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Setting Small Area size and also Small X or Y size

You can set Router-CIM Automation Suite to rename the outside layer in Automation by checking Rename Outside Layer and setting the Area in the box provided.


There is ALSO a variable named *SMLSIZE* which will let you specify a small X OR Y size for a part that will get its outside layer renamed.  So, if you set *SMLSIZE* to 4.00 and set the area to 160.0 if a part is greater than 160 sq. inches BUT if X or Y size is under 4.00 then it will also get its outside layer renamed.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


FLATTEN Control on Splines

If you do not wish to use FLATTEN on splines during Automation, the *NOFLATSPLINE* variable must be added and set to T.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Control how Router-CIM Handles an Ellipse

If the AutoCAD geometry is an ELLIPSE when you list it, then you must set *NOPELLIPSE* to T in Router-CIM in the NCVARS.

If the AutoCAD geometry is a POLYLINE when you list it, then you should set *NOPELLIPSE* to nil in Router-CIM in the NCVARS.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Changing the File Extensions in Router-CIM Interactive

Modify the two variables:

 Under System Variables, select the variable *ncfilext*, change the value to the appropriate file extension. Note the file extension has to be between two quotation marks.

 i.e. “txt”, “out”, “NC”, etc.

 Under System Variables, select the variable *prev_ext*, change the value to the appropriate file extension. Note the file extension has to be between two quotation marks.

 i.e. “txt”, “out”, “NC”, etc.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Manually place part labels using layer Nestcenter

If you want to define the location of the part label that Router-CIM Automation Suite uses for the placement of the part label on the part in the nested drawing, you can use this procedure.


Add the variable *nestpoint* and set the value to T. For instructions on how to define the location using a point in AutoCAD, go to the AutoCAD Help file.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Adjusting Pin Trim Variables for Two-Sided Nesting

To adjust the variables that affect the two-sided nesting PIN_TRIM function, you will need to add the following variables to the Router-CIM NCVAR file.


Add the variables exactly as shown:





*pin_trimamt* - Changes the extension amount of the pin trim cut in the Y axis. Default value is 14.

*pin_offset* - overrides the distance of the cut from the edge. The top-side NC code file will be offset by this amount. Default is ½ the edge allowance of the nested material.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Adjusting Spacing Variable for Two-Sided Nesting

To adjust the spacing between the front side nest and the backside nest during the Two-Side Nesting function, you can add the variable *2sidedspacing*. The default that Router-CIM Automation Suite uses is the materials bottom edge allowance.


Add the variable exactly as shown:




*2sidedspacing* - Changes the spacing between the front side nest and the backside nest during the Two-Side Nesting function. The acceptable value is a real number such as 0.5. This will leave a 0.5 gap between the front side nest and the backside nest. To disable this feature, set the variable to a value of nil.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Nest Text Height

If you want to define the variable to set text height on the text above nested sheet in the nested drawing that Router-CIM Automation Suite uses, you will need to add the variable *ntheight*.


Add the variable *ntheight* and set the value a number. Value must be in quotes "1.25".


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


'Print Nest' Orientation Control

Below are the variables that control the orientation of the 'Print Nests' feature in Router-CIM Automation Suite.


For more information about the 'Print Nest' feature, click here.



If you set the variable to "L" or "l" you will force the plot to Landscape

If you set the variable to "P" or "p" you will force the plot to Portrait


If the variable does not exist, then if X is greater than Y, you will get landscape. If Y is greater than X, you will get Portrait.

By default the value of this variable is set to NIL
Variable should be set to: T in order to have a PDF file made of the nested drawing.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Scale Part Geometry in Router-CIM Automation Suite

The variable *SCALEAUTOMATIONGEO* needs to be added to the system to allow the user to scale all geometry by a factor so that drawings in inches and can be converted to metric and drawings in metric can be converted to inches.


The variable needs to be defined as a scale factor between quotation marks such as "25.4" to go from inch to metric or "0.03937" to go from metric to inch.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Adding a Dwell/Pause at the end of a Drill Cycle

To add a dwell/pause at the bottom of a Drill Motions cycle, you will need to adjust the following setting in the Drill Motion cycle:


Change Position 17 in the Drill Motions cycle to DWELL/1 (or whatever time you want to pause, in seconds).  You will get a G04P1 in the code after the tool is at cut depth.


Alternately on newer posts, you can use DWELLX/.1 and get G04X.1.


To know which option is right for you, please review your post's Application Notes.


To make this change, go to the Router-CIM Control panel and select the button for 'Mod Cycle'.


Setting *YESEDGE* to adjust for Material Edge Allowance

This feature allows for a part that is set to 'Code as Single Part' to have the individual NC code file produced with the Material Edge Allowance that is set up in your Materials Database.


 Set to T - This will allow 'Code as Single Part' to offset the part just like what would happen if the part is nested by the material edge allowance.

 Set to nil - This will create the 'Code as Single Part' NC code file as if the part were located at 0,0 with no edge allowance.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Adjusting the Prefix for 'Code as Single Part' Naming

To adjust the variables that affect the prefix when using the 'Code as Single Part' option, you will need to add one of the following variables to the Router-CIM NCVAR file in the System section.


Add one of the following variables exactly as shown:





*SINGLE_PRE* - Changes the prefix when using the 'Code as Single Part' option. The value entered here will become the prefix of the single part NC Code file followed by the naming structure defined under the 'Part Name' tab.

*SINGLE_SUF* - Changes the suffix when using the 'Code as Single Part' option. The value entered here will become the suffix of the single part NC Code file followed by the naming structure defined under the 'Part Name' tab.


The value that is entered for either variable should be between quotation marks. For example "S_"


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Rectangular Part Checking

To have Router-CIM check if a part is a rectangle to allow Router-CIM to set the rotation of the part to 0 90 for more efficient nesting, you will need to add the following variable to the Router-CIM NCVAR file in the System section.




 Set to T - This will allow the rotation on the part to be set to 0 90 if the part is a rectangle

 Set to nil - This will not change the parts rotation and the rotation will be defined by the material the part is nested on


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Setting the Bridge Width when Using Veneer Matching

To override the Veneer Matching default of using the materials bridge width for part spacing, you will need to add the following variable to the Router-CIM NCVAR file in the System section.




The value that is entered should be a real number such as 0.5 or 0.125, etc.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.


Using the Kinematic Time Study with Automation

In order to use the Kinematic Time & Tool Calculation option through Router-CIM Automation, you may need to set an NC variable (NCVARS).




 Set to T - This will allow the Router-CIM Automation to use the Kinematic Time Study.

 Set to nil - This will not allow the Router-CIM Automation to use the Kinematic Time Study.


For information on how to add variables to the NCVAR file, click here.