Tool Stay Down Nesting |
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In the Router-CIM Automation job, pick the Advanced Nesting tab and check the Staydown box.
Generally, there is no need to adjust any of the parameters, but you should make certain the settings look as above.
The Cut cycle should be Heli-Lead Center with no offsetting.
In your DOIT file, do not cut the outside part layer. Turn that association off.
The DOIT file needs a knowledge to layer association to cut the tool stay down geometry created by Autonest. You must make a knowledge called STAYDOWN and associate it to a layer called STAYDOWN. This one knowledge will be used to cut all materials in your job.
If you need a different knowledge for each material in your job, you can make a layer / knowledge association formatted like this: Knowledge name: MATERIAL CODE+STAYDOWN Layer name: MATERIAL CODE+STAYDOWN
As an example, The ¾ MDF material has a material code of 75MDF and parts on this material will use a knowledge called 75MDFSTAYDOWN and their staydown geometry will be on a layer called 75MDFSTAYDOWN. The tool radius in this knowledge is used as the offset for part nesting. Other knowledges can cut this layer as well but the stay down geometry can only be cut on center and cannot be offset.
Here is an example Pack and Go file of a job that has parts on 375PLY and 75MDF materials. The primary knowledges are named 375PLYSTAYDOWN and 75MDFSTAYDOWN. If you have parts on other materials, they will be cut using the regular STAYDOWN knowledge because they do not have a knowledge associated with the material code.
Copy the pack and go file to your Router-CIM\Automation\PackAndGo folder. To import the Pack and Go file go to the Import Wizards menu and choose Pack and Go. Then select the STAYDOWN_EXAMPLE.pag file and click the Unpack button in the Pack and Go Import window.
Small part cutting can still be used by making a knowledge that cuts the outside geometry and has a lower rank than the staydown knowledge. The small part cutting knowledge would be cutting the SML outside part layer. |