Solid-CIM 3D Users Guide



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Expand Parts


Solid-CIM 3D Toolbar Icon: Expand_Icon_TB

Solid-CIM 3D Ribbon Icon: Expand_Icon


To better view all the parts in the assembly, you can expand the parts to allow easy access to all the parts in the assembly.




To use this feature, select:


SCIM>Expand Parts>Drag

Drag the mouse from Left to Right until the parts separate as shown.


SCIM>Expand Parts>Measure

Pick a point on the screen and then pick another point that represents the distance to expand the parts or you can type in a numeric value for the expand feature.


SCIM>Expand Parts>Assemble

This will re-assemble the parts back to the original positions in the assembly. This option will appear after an 'Expand' has been completed.