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AutoNest Update Nest




Once the nested layout is presented onto the current AutoCAD drawing, you can have full access to all the AutoCAD commands.  It is sometimes easier for the user to scrutinize an already nested layout and then decide how it can be further improved manually.  In this case you can use your better judgement and experience to edit the layout through the MOVE, COPY, …etc. commands of AutoCAD.


However, after such a session, AutoNEST is not aware of these changes.  Therefore, an UpdateNEST is necessary so that AutoNEST will do the following:

Update the drawings by re-displaying the nested layouts
Update the nesting summary and re-calculate the utilization percentages
Update the .SYM and .SUM files


NOTE: This command works only if the nested layout is displayed in DWG format (see Sysdata’s  “File Format”)


The prompts below will appear :-


UpdateNEST: Task Name (? For list)<>:

The user is prompted the Task name that needs to be updated.  < >will contain the name of the most recent entry of the Task name.


New Nested File Name<>:

You will be prompted the name of the new nested (.sym and .sum) file. You can enter a new name (e.g. SAMPLE-a) or if you enter the same name (e.g. SAMPLE), then the UpdateNEST will overwrite the existing nested files of the same name.


Select Objects:

Here you are requested to enclose the layout(s).  If the task consists of several nested layouts and only one of them has been edited, you still have to enclose/select all of them as long as they are of the same task.


Insertion Pt of New layout <RETURN for (0,0)>:

Indicate a point on the screen to indicate the lower-left corner of the nested layouts. The updated nested layouts and nested summary reports will be displayed with reference to the new insertion point.