Router-CIM Automation Suite



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AutoNest File Formats

In order to establish an open architecture for users to have full flexibility in using AutoNEST, various file formats must be maintained both at input levels and for output purposes.


Input Files:

For input, there are 2 files required, namely:-


1) .VEC file

The .VEC file contains the geometry of a part in TEXT file format.


2)  .JOB file

This TEXT file contains the parameters of a task that need to be nested. For examples, number of stocks, stock size and quantity; number of parts, part quantity and orientation constraints; edge allowance, cutting gap …etc. This file is automatically created by the TaskEdit command.


The 3rd file is optional depending whether there is irregular stock.


3) .STK file (optional)

    The format of a .STK file is the same as the .VEC file. Where the .VEC describes the profile of a part, .STK describes the profile of an irregular stock


Output Files:

There are six (6) output files. These files are generated automatically upon a successful nesting. The seventh file will only be generated if “Common-line / Toolpath” is invoked.


1) .SYM file

    This TEXT file gives the layout information by making reference to the Parts position co-ordinates, orientation, color …etc. and the Stock information.


2) .SUM file

    This file contains the nesting summary report in TEXT format.


3)  .XLS file

    This file contains the nesting summary in Excel format.


4)  .XML file (the contents are similar to .SYM)

    An XML (Extensible Markup Language) version of .SYM file.


5)  .XML file (the contents are similar to .SUM)

    An XML (Extensible Markup Language) version of .SUM file.


6) .DXF file (created only in the Nest Manager environment)

    This file contains the full geometric information of the nested layout(s). As such, it will be very much larger in size when compared to say the .SYM file.


7) .SGD file

    Similiar in concept to .SYM file except this ASCII file presents the layout information by “partitions blocks” or grids.